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Hong Kong Experience

February 19, 2021 - May 30, 2021

For more than half a century, the Hong Kong Museum of Art has been collecting Hong Kong art – forged by people living in the city who paved the way for Hong Kong art’s development through their own experience. New lifestyles and innovative ideas prompted artists to break new ground with their spirit of ‘Hong Kong experiment’, a large portion of which is shown in this exhibition. The comprehensive selection features works dating from as early as the late 19th century, and traces Hong Kong art’s evolution and innovation through the works of a diverse range of artists.

The exhibition does not try to define any specific genre or movement, but instead is comprehensive and all-encompassing of Hong Kong art’s organic development through history. It gathers threads of the stories from different artists to present a wide and diverse range of works. We especially enjoy the contemporary art selection, which features works in iconic styles by many well-known names familiar to us, bringing some well-deserved attention to our city’s artists.


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Hong Kong Museum of Art
10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Kowloon, Hong Kong Hong Kong

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