Comfort Zone

Blindspot Gallery 15/F Po Chai Industrial Building, 28 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen

WHO Pixy Liao WHAT This is the first exhibition of the Chinese artist at the gallery, and her debut solo in Hong Kong; it includes photography, video, and ready-made sculpture. The artist challenges traditional notions of heterosexual relationships by subverting gender roles and portraying her partner, Moro, as the subservient male muse while positioning herself…

Twice II: Of Seeing

Blindspot Gallery 15/F Po Chai Industrial Building, 28 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen

WHAT This is the second joint exhibition of the artists since 1995, featuring recent oil paintings from Yeung, and charcoal work and oil paintings done by Sze. Yeung’s large-scale figurative paintings are brightly-coloured with vivid contrasts, and are reminiscent of collages. These works connect different spaces, characters, and narratives all at once. Sze’s works are…

Play and Loop V

Blindspot Gallery 15/F Po Chai Industrial Building, 28 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen

WHAT Through video screening, the artists narrate through different angles to share their observations, feelings, and thoughts after the belated easing of China’s zero-COVID policy at the end of 2022. The presentation is divided into two thematic scenes, each lasting for a duration of three weeks; the gallery space is divided into multiple screening rooms,…

Past-Future Tense

Blindspot Gallery 15/F Po Chai Industrial Building, 28 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen

WHAT His third solo exhibition at the gallery as a continuation of his research of the history of Hong Kong across time, the specific exhibition focuses on Hong Kong’s colonial history, set in the year 1982, when the Chinese and British governments started negotiations on the Handover. Included in the exhibition are handwritten notes by…

What’s There When You Ain’t Home?

Blindspot Gallery 15/F Po Chai Industrial Building, 28 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen

WHAT The artist’s exhibition at the gallery encapsulates the visual journal of the restless wanderer-painter in Iceland and Hong Kong. Despite the strong juxtaposition between the two places, Cheng uses atmospheric light, thick textures of oil, vibrant blocks of colours, and strokes of falling snow and rising vapour to evoke a sense of familiarity between…

New Beginnings

Blindspot Gallery 15/F Po Chai Industrial Building, 28 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen

WHAT A group exhibition of four artists based in different cities working in the expanded field of painting and abstraction, the works of Paul Barlow, Harminder Judge, Osamu Kobayashi, and Andrew Luk are presented. Painting in the manner of sculptor, builder, archeologist, and designer, these artists inhabit the precarious balance between stability and entropy, ideation…

Daily Practice

Blindspot Gallery 15/F Po Chai Industrial Building, 28 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen

WHAT WE KNOW Born in 1956 in Fujian, Yeung Tong Lung moved to Hong Kong in 1973 and began painting in his late teens. He refers to his craft as a ‘daily practice’ based on his everyday observations of the world around him. Although he has explored multiple styles of painting, this ‘daily practice’ is…