signals…here and there
The exhibition is the third and final chapter in the gallery’s exhibition series, ‘signals…瞬息’. It is the culmination of the three part series that unfolded over six months and featured 25 artists and collectives in a dialogue with an experimental display structure. This final chapter explores both historical and contemporary migratory movements in the context of the transformation of Hong Kong as a city, which also references the concept of ‘home’. Thus, the presentation frames a concept of ‘here’ from ‘there,’ negotiating the divide that separates different histories and geographical distances.
The showcase continues to pay homage to the expanded concept of kinetic art that emerged from Signals Gallery (1964-1966) in London. This edition features the work of Panayiotis Vassilak (1925-2019), the Greek artist known as ‘Takis,’ who was a pioneer of kinetic art in the original exhibitions at Signals Gallery. This particular chapter connects the historical origins of kinetic art to our present time and strives to build momentum and foster a discussion around the most challenging questions of today. More specifically, the present exhibition explores the diasporic flows and migration strategies in order to understand contemporary global issues through the lens of Hong Kong.
To learn about the first chapter, click here.
To learn about the second chapter, click here.