Serge Poliakoff: Les étés de Poliakoff
The exhibition is a presentation of gouaches from the late Russian-born French modernist painter (1900-1969), who belonged to the ‘New’ École de Paris (Tachisme), and was a contemporary of Wassily Kandinsky, Sonia and Robert Delaunay, and Otto Freundlich. Painting gouaches was part of a daily summer routine, yielding 30-40 series. The artist would review his works, signing one sheet from the series he found fulfilling, and then select a dozen or so as inspirational motifs. He would use these gouaches as the foundation for his new oil paintings.
The uniqueness of the artist’s gouaches lies in their space for exploration and discovery. While they suggest distinct sounds, words, or phrases, their meanings are grasped through emotions and feelings. The gouaches resemble inscriptions from a lost pictographic script, and queried the inseparability of colour and form, embodying unity and diversity of the existence.