Everything is Unreal Until It’s Not
The exhibition by the New York-based artist (aka Lin Jingjing) debuts a piercing, semi-organic installation as well as a new body of videos and works on canvas. Referencing technological developments, the artist initiates a dialogue of the idyllic vs. the unsettling. The works speculate the authenticity of a virtual mirage, and also allude to the false illusions of reality, where everything is unreal… until it is not. The artworks speak to the evolving trend of technological escapism, where virtual worlds have become not only a temporary getaway, but are also embraced as a part of real life.
The fictitious artist identity is inspired by the versatility and fluidity of AI, free of physical indicators and binary definitions such as age, gender, or ethnicity. The videos feature AI-crafted humanoids with flawless features at less than 60 seconds a pop, adhering to today’s rule of thumb for consuming media. In a world of unrealities, the exhibition questions if rational discourse is still relevant if the empirical narrative is convincing.