Embroidering the Everyday
Born in Chile and trained as a designer, Castillo follows in her mother and grandmother’s footsteps by becoming a skilled seamstress. Through her use of textiles, she is able to create ‘mindmaps’, which process her observations of daily and political life in Chile alongside her personal experiences, with an added layer of mythology and a playful sense of humour. This is her first solo presentation, showcasing a selection of the artist’s signature stitched canvases, which capture the curious blend of personal and intimate, yet provocative and pop-cultural that represents the essence of her work.
Textile art is one that has recently gained prominence and popularity, and viewers get to witness this newly-appreciated medium as an artform. Castillo’s resulting artworks bustle with life with vivid images: superheroes, insects and flowers jumble alongside biblical figures, and everyday objects such as power cables, as well as Chilean icons such as Maraquetta bread rolls.