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Between Emptiness and Form: Exploring Emotion and Essence

August 26, 2023 - October 21, 2023

The three exhibiting artists are from different countries and generations. Italian Marco Tirelli plays with light and shadow due to his training as a set designer. His paintings are open to the audience’s interpretation and invite mental participation. Belgian Renato Nicolodi presents sculpture and painting works that offer platforms for the viewer’s contemplation, as he invites them to project their thoughts into the ‘void.’ German Otto Boll takes the concept of emptiness as a starting part for his works, seeing it as a realm of possibilities he has a duty to fill as an artist. His works of aluminium structures suspended on nylon threads are reminiscent of ‘wuji’ – the Taoist notion of the original emptiness that everything emerges from.

The overarching theme of emptiness is explored throughout with various interpretations. Each artist’s work is interactive in that they invite the viewer to contemplate their own views of the subject. Additionally, audiences will experience how the three artists create within their distinctive explorations a harmonious whole, searching for what emptiness is for the artist, the viewer, and the space in between.


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Axel Vervoordt Gallery
21/F Coda Designer Centre, 62 Wong Chuk Hang Road
Aberdeen, Hong Kong Hong Kong

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