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A dream dreamt in a dreaming world is not really a dream … but a dream not dreamt is

June 7, 2023 - October 7, 2023

The well-known American artist’s largest solo exhibition in Asia is a presentation of 50 works from her career in mediums spanning painting, video, and sculpture. Having produced cast-glass sculptures since the mid-1990s where the top of the sculptures give off the appearance of liquid, she invites viewers to gaze inside. Additionally, the artist’s drawings on paper are showcased, which examine motifs of interpretation, mirroring, and textural play that combine to explore the materiality of colour and the sculptural potential of drawing. Also on display are photographs consisting of multiple pieces that build on her exploration of the effects of the multiplicity of perception and memory.

The exhibition revolves around the openly-gay artist’s philosophy of creating uncertain encounters in a de-centered, de-linearised, and de-interpreted space, while refusing any dominating narrative that would erode the many possibilities of the works. Also reflective in the exhibition is the artist’s interest in the ever-changing nature of identity, meaning, and perception, as well as the concept of doubling. The multi-media showcase of the artist’s career is as thought-provoking as it is aesthetically engaging.


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He Art Museum
6 Yixing Road, Beijiao New Town, Shunde
Foshan, Guangzhou 528000 China

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