Anselm Kiefer: Golden Age
In the renowned German artist’s newest exhibition, he depicts and celebrates the stories of mythology that surround the Golden Age. In time with Hong Kong’s reopening of its borders, the gallery hopes to usher in a ‘Golden Age’ of its own through this beacon of restarting. Created between 2020 to 2022, a large-scale installation and monumental paintings are showcased, all of which discuss the ideas of utopia and dystopia, as well as the challenges of humanity in the modern world.
The Golden Age of mythology revolves around the idea of the peak of human civilization. Inspired by German philosopher, Ernst Bloch, Kiefer uses his art as a way to discuss if utopias can be the peak of human civilisation in the real world or if only dystopia is possible. As he discusses these ideas, he also explores what drives people to create art, music, and literature. As viewers gaze upon these deeply-philosophical works, they might find their own inspirations.