The Resounding Chasm
The acclaimed Beijing-based artist presents his seven newest works that were all created prior to or during the pandemic, all while he spent time in Beijing. The inspiration for these works came from Xu’s desire to escape the seclusion of his home in a time when that was all anyone really had. He found himself exploring Beijing’s parks and this idea overlapped with his changing view of time to create imagery of rivers and landscapes that represent time.
The artist’s instantly recognisable signature style has won great acclaim from his peers and immense popularity with collectors. His paintings harness the brush, ink and paper of classical times, pairing the past with a contemporary theatricality in his choice of subject, arrangement and inspiration. He employs an innovative layering method with ink on paper, which creates a unique visual effect. By repeatedly adding ink colour to previously dry ink, he creates a rich texture-like depth. Embracing darkness, he forges paths of deep shadows, tipping the balance of chiaroscuro in favour of velvety midnight hues.