Halley Cheng: Never Describe a Sunset
Halley Cheng
The Hong Kong artist’s Kapok Series shines a spotlight on nature’s beauty through vivid reds, yellows, and oranges, with reflective surfaces that heighten the drama of the natural world. The series incorporates found objects, unexpected layers, and unpredictable materials to highlight the role of chance and coincidence in our lives. The artist rejects rigid frameworks, using randomness and intuition to explore the amorphous beauty of nature, where the essence of being human lies in navigating its unstructured chaos.
The exhibition title is inspired by art critic John Berger’s reflections on perception, and encapsulates Cheng’s exploration of nature’s supremacy and the constraints of verbal and artistic representation. The enhanced reflective surfaces in his recent works amplify the viewer’s engagement, with the abstraction of the red flowers symbolising the fleeting nature of life.