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The Contour of Light: A Re-encounter with Leonardo da Vinci

July 30, 2023 - October 15, 2023

Cutting-edge light projection, digital art, virtual reality, and hologram technology transport visitors into the fascinating world of late 15th century Italian master, Leonardo da Vinci! As part of Art Macao or the Macao International Art Biennale, the exhibition offers a multi-sensory immersive experience combining art and technology. Featuring 10 spaces, including ‘The Genius of Art’ with dynamic reproduced paintings and ‘Immersive Masterpieces’, a 360-degree experience, the exhibition showcases da Vinci’s artistry and scientific genius through synchronised multi-projections, music, and sounds.

Leonardo da Vinci represents the pinnacle of Renaissance thought, art, and science deeply rooted in European history. This exhibition deserves our love for its ability to bridge the gap between history and innovation. By blending traditional art forms with cutting-edge technologies, it brings Leonardo da Vinci’s timeless creations to life in a way that captivates and engages viewers. The immersive experience allows visitors to explore da Vinci’s works in a whole new light, fostering a deeper appreciation for his talents while embracing the convergence of art and technology. It promises a unique and unforgettable journey for art enthusiasts and curious minds alike.